Friday, October 03, 2008

wikinomics audiocast

Listening to the wikinomics audiocast has opened my eyes to a trend which I used to view as insignificant. Listening to the audiocast was mindblowing enabling me to see myraid opportunities in the web 2.0 space . I see it as an opportunity to build consulting eminence. The example is of a Gold prospecting company which uploaded its geological data to public competition into a 40MB file and thereby increased revenue from $30 million to $9 Billion. Respondents used non traditional techniques from mathematics and operations research to search for new drilling prospects. The prize money has had a reinforcing behaviour on respondents and enabled multi-discipliniary approach.
The advantage of investing time in web 2.0 is to study how collaborative system interacts with the traditional control assurance behaviour of enterprises to bring forth new blueprints of more efficient people and business processes.

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