Sunday, December 27, 2009


Remember the Balanced score card and the strategy map? In the strategy map the drivers are the trained and motivated employees who work as per well defined internal and external processes to deliver products or services which result in performance which can be measured by financial metrics like ROCE or ROE.
As per an article I read today, Key Performance Indicators(KPI) cannot be a financial metric and need to be something which management keeps a tab on every day and every hour. Every employee is in some way responsible for the KPI. Example KPIs are late arrival of flight, customer satisfaction etc. Is it possible to monitor financial metrics every hour and is the investment in such a system economical?

An example Key Results Indicators (KRI) can be the Dupont formula or ROE which can be subsequently decomposed into net profit margin, asset turnover and degree of financial leverage( asset/Equity). Performance indicators can be number of employee suggestions etc. The article also downplayed the causality angle or lead (driver)-> lag (result) analysis method and used the metric late arrival of flight to prove the point. Is this metric a lead or lag indicator?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Outliers review

I just finished reading Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. It is a good read, what struck me was the lack of any reference to east Indians in the book! Only the korean, chinese .. rice growing chinese from pearl valley delta are taken. This makes me wonder if the author has a selection bias in the data.
One of the organizational behaviour inputs was the importance of autonomy and expectancy in a job, yes the Vrooms expectancy model where the motivation is determined by ones perceived chances of achieving valued outcomes. effort->performance expectancies and performance-> outcome instrumentalities influence the degree of effort, which is almost like P(A/B) is a factor of P(B/C) chaining. Also note that during my MBA I could not discriminate between performance and outcome :P, its only in a job that you start realizing the asymmetry of performance and outcome. I started thinking of my wife, who as a doctor certainly has a higher degree of autonomy. One of the advantages of my consulting profession is a high score on the autonomy axis.
Well the core idea of the book is that raising children by middle class is more like cultivation due to time sequencing of learning activities and also making use of the vacation time to build additional skills. I still remember my father giving me algebra homework from Hall & Knight during summer vacations, and all I wanted to do was to devour the next Issac Asimov novel from Haldia IndianOil officers club library. Well I did read the steamy passages from Eric Van Lustbaders novels too :P

The other concept is usage of mitigated speech in a hierarchical setting when speaking to superiors. An example given was the disastrous consequences in a cockpit where the listener does not have the luxury of time to interpret the fine nuance. I started wondering if inter team communication during a short high burn client strategy engagement require mitigated or direct communication? Mitigation of speech and nuances in sentences would be important for global firms which operate in advisory space. Overall a good read 4/5.