a creature who has walked the mountains of Smokies and round boated in galibore, leaving my footsteps in the wet riverbank sand. There are coracles in galibore and rubber tubes in smokie mountains, both got me WET!! I studied in St pauls barauni,st xaviers haldia ,Grems baroda , REC surathkal , IIM K.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
time bend
and on the outside
time is bent everywhere
My mind is not free
and I cannot bend time
else I would be free
Is it an illusion
as it slips through fingers
Time is not stopping
Spotting the time
dotting the keyboard
boarding the train
where time returns and cycles.
Monday, August 14, 2006

I can hear the rain but I cannot feel it.
Its late in the night and I cannot see anything.
If I cannot see the rain, can I feel it.
I shift the curtain and peer outside,
can only see my reflection in the glass.
I begin to see my eyelashes , but it is
hours to go before I sleep as I
etch the alphabets on the glass screen.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Biotech sector report

ITs 2 AM in the night. Just finished making the biotech sector report, in retrospect. The financial analysis still needs to be done. Was planning to start marketing. That remains a plan . Dunno if tomorrow will be IT quiz . The IT project meet was quite successful with work allocation and architecture getting finalized. Divided work ito 6 parts...sixy sixy sixy
Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC)
Specifies the rules for the manufacture, use/import/export and storage of hazardous microorganisms genetically engineered organisms or cells, 1989.
Drugs and Cosmetic Rule(8th Amendment),1998
Revised guidelines for research plants & guidelines for toxicity and allergenicity evaluation of transgenic seeds, plants and plant parts,1998
Guidelines for generating preclinical and clinical data for rDNA vaccines, diagnostics and other biologicals,1999
Report of the Task Force on Recombinant Pharma
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) http://dbtindia.nic.in/
Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (MEC)
Review Committee on Genetic manipulation (RCGM).
Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) http://www.cdsco.nic.in/html/central.htm
Central Authorities are responsible for approval of New Drugs, Clinical Trials in the country, laying down the standards for Drugs, control over the quality of imported Drugs, coordination of the activities of State Drug Control 0rganisations and providing expert advice with a view of bring about the uniformity in the enforcement of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act.
Drug Controller General of India is responsible for approval of licenses of specified categories of Drugs such as blood and blood products, I. V. Fluids, Vaccine and Sera.
4. Identification of sector Impact factors:
Increasing middle class purchasing power in India: Middle class can purchase costlier vaccines for children which have fewer side effects. This will increase the net margin for biotechnology companies. From the following table one can extrapolate the growth in vaccines. (bold).
Biocon has made significant capital expenditure and its profitability depends on the competition with Chinese players in the statins market. Another important factor is the opportunity from drugs which are coming off patent in the US market.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
so precious

Suddenly old memories were jogged with a friend leaving a message on orkut. Its so amazing, how friendships when one is young are held so precious. I just hope that I will keep my friendships without being selfish and self-centred. Reading about OB is scary as if meta analyses are really true , then deprivation and self centredness when one is very young and not love makes one a leader.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
throwback in time

Me and keks, and dalla, we had a suuuper time at sjc , sfo and of course ole fremont. I still remember those days on stevenson blvd. Celebrated tingis birthday and bought a cake from a chinki shop.
when i lived in sjc, there was no santana row, not that it would have made a difference, malpani would never approve of buying stuff there :).
Going around and driving so much reminded me of the US way of life and planning for the next right turn, keeping your eyes open.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Transitivity and Incompleteness in mid terms
Afternoon , got jacked in accounts, did only 9 marks correctly , rest is left to the discretion of the examiner :(. Did make the adjustments, adjusted column , p&l column and B/S column...running short of time revenues and COGS made me go agog. didnt know there were lifo fifo in accounts also...generally one problem took an hour to do short ckting everything else.
Plan to buy a N91 after the OB exam ...I just loved the HBR articles...loads of gyan...tada
Now tending towards the E70 or Moto Razr v3i.
The OB paper was loaded with questions on outcomes, Vrooms expectancy theory and instrumentatility. Really felt like an IIM paper. Kudos clap clap. Marks dont matter, what we learn matters :) ; I mean for people with more than three years of experience.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
classical probability and mid term performance
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
B4 mid terms at iim k
Quantitative methods was a riot where all the 99 percentilers got hauled up to explain normal distribution!! Rather standard normal distribution and symmetry about the Mean.
Thinking about the z, always being z fixated the fact that on the graph mean is zero point is lost.
In accounting I made a mess of the salary head :(. Have to be careful to read with a scale in one hand! Hopefully it will not happen in mid term or final term.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
photo taken at iim k
About the Biotech sector analysis for tomorrow 9 pm i need to get an exact sector definition. Recombinant gene technology, vaccines, prostheses, monoclonal antibodies, Large molecule medicines, petones, peptides. cell culture. Biocon is the gorilla in this space with revenues of 687 crores out of the nearly 1000 crore market. Somehow Sterling biotech doesnt figure in this list whereas titan biotech, panacea biotech and jupiter do !
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Admission to PGP 2006-2008 batch iim kozhikode
Then I went back to kozhikode in reverse direction to bangalore , had parathas and green peas curry . I made a reservation on a passenger bus but immediately saw a Super fast Bangalore , got into it and conductor gave me an e-ticket , electronically typed ticket. 8 pm finally got back to bangalore where a bus almost knocked me down . Another bus slammed the brakes hard and Driver of bus 2 scolded driver of bus 1 Rash alli drive beda ie Dont drive rashly. Got down to 314H to take me home tippasandra.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Free science fiction Immortal Qyanni
The year is 2200 AD. The month is March and the ice is melting in Africa. These days planetary weather sytems no longer have the kind of impact on humans which they might have had on the dinosaurs. Man has escaped one womb and has spanned out to the outer reaches of the Galaxy . What lies beyond the galactic cluster", which denotes a grouping of stars within our own Milky Way or the “galaxy cluster”, a group of tens, hundreds or even thousands of galaxies held together by their mutual gravitational forces.
Genius stood in the night naked under the sky without the roof of concrete and glass to shield him from the forces calling his soul from above. He stood at the southern most tip of Africa , the Cape of good hope and let his mind dip into history about years before when sailors like vasco da gama had looked at the stars and sailed around the cape of good hope to Asia and riches.
Genius smelled the aroma of the fresh ground coffee in the cup and when it mixed with sugar and hot water the smell seemed to permeate the air around him, perhaps taking away the virginity of the air around him , hell ! he didn’t mind as long as he could stay awake and gaze at the stars and contemplate about the Qyanni.
Qyanni a race of protoplasm in one galaxy cluster which can be seen with the naked eye - The Local Group, which includes the Milky Way as well as the naked eye galaxy (under very dark skies) The Andromeda Galaxy and the Megellanic Clouds. The Qyanni reside in the fifth Local Group member, M33, can be seen with the naked eye under truly dark skies which is why genius was espescially out here to wonder and look at the Aliens who were the soul catchers . The Qyanni were very superstitious , even though they played God and had become immortal , the Qyanni feared divine wrath if they shared their knowledge about the dimensions of time and the particles which crossed the dimensions of time without regard to going forward in time ALL THE TIME. The Qyanni had obviously managed to harness these particles to be able to clone the brain , not the grey matter which in itself is nothing but also the relativistic field which coexisted with the brain and gave it the soul, ESP or extra sensory perception.
Genius took another sip of the coffee and felt glad for the comforting fluid which seemed to ease his uneasiness in his stomach as he stood facing the stars. It was late in the night but the nightlife in cape town would be still on and he looked forward to indulge himself, afterall the next mission would be a very long one and he didn’t know when he would return to the smells of earth .
There was something about the nightlife in earth maybe the non synthetic feel of the people which he so cherished unlike the Rings of saturn where nightlife was a 24*7 affair with the forever young people having the ball of a time and indulging in 300 to 400 ml of hard liquor at a time because they knew their livers were replacable.
He had watched old CDs about love , but couldn’t bring himself to believe it in outer space where he was born but here in the womb of humanity he had even fallen in love with a dark eyed beauty. Not that looks were the only thing , this exotic cocktail of oriental and african genes simply was too smart even for him “Genius ” whose parents had named him so . Even now he sometimes argued with them that even though his intelligence at birth was so high that it had to be measured in logarithmic scale to the present day IQ standards, they shouldn’t have named him so. His dear Sheila was even smarter than him in many such areas espescially cooking where he could make the most accurate calorie mapped dish ie a dish which would match his calorie requirement to 0.01 calorie ensuring he wouldn’t have to exercise. His dishes failed however to arouse the tongue.
He could go on looking at sheilas face for hours without having a conversation but he felt so nice talking to sheila , that everytime she moved though beautiful luscious lips of her it was as if she was soothing his back and lulling him to sleep. No but he didn’t want to sleep and lose himself in that never land which lies jut beyond consciousness where everything is warm and comfortable as a mothers womb. He would watch her lips muttering incantations to buddha as incense filled the air around him and curled up in formless way to reach the ceiling and be damped. Her prayers seemed to fill his mind also with peace but he knew that his quest for peace was his own.
Suddenly a massive wave crashed into the rocks and the surf from the waves filled his nose with salts and woke him up from thoughts of far away as his mind had wandered in time and conjured up wonderful times. He clutched the precious drachmas in his pocket afraid the water would wet the precious credits he had carelessly left in his pocket. The Earth still was primitive in the sense the payment couldn’t be made from the inbuild prostheses which maintained track of his finances in the outer worlds. On Earth he still had to keep the magnetic striped card which enabled him to buy comforts.
The Continental space port though would accept his prosthetic money balance. Anyway the card shouldn’t hold such amounts of money which would make him target for international booty hunters. He had skirmishes with inter Galatic booty hunters who were pretty civilized.
Booty hunters were a fascinating species , he thought as he puffed on his nicotine laden cigaratte and watched in glee as the smoke swirled away due to the strong salty breeze. He was glad as he hated the smoke swirling around in a room and seemed to be coming at him rather than going anywhere else in the room. It was as if the smoke had a mind of its own.
Enough of such random thoughts, he controlled his mind and wondered if the Qyanni debacle was throwing him back to the days when he woke up in the morning thinking of love and was unable to get out of the quagmire which was like a warm welcoming pool of quicksand eager to swallow him. He started wondering why he shouldn’t take the help of the booty hunters better still give the entire project to the hunters. After all the basic tenet of management is delegation. He decided to take the help of booty hunters at least to get into the Qyanni space . What the booty hunters could not be allowed to know was the reason why a human was sticking out like a sore thumb in the Qyanni quadrant. He would have to cloak himself in the garb of a social scientist.
He had already started studying the subject and already downloaded some statistics. Fascinating , that reasoning ability or an analytical skill could not be downloaded unlike pure calculation skills.
The Qyanni didn’t expand their space in the universe like the humans always seemed to be doing. The Qyanni didn’t believe in the human principle of hedging ie to spread the risk wide. They had become like the very affluent nations where the death rate was greater than the birth rate in short suffered from decreasing population because some got simply tired of being immortal . They were in short bored. Boredom was also one of the foremost human mental diseases . This was because there are only a finite things in the universe and only a finite things to do . This however was his Genius’s own theory. Boredom was like the waves crashing into the beach one after another in a pattern overlapping each other as far as his eye could see under the moonlit sky.
Finally even he got bored of being there . So many people had writter that one could go on watching at the enormity of the ocean . He deifinitely was not one of them . He could only look at the ocean for a finite time . Even if there were two oceans he was looking at the Indian and the atlantic ocean. That just didn’t mean that he could watch the ocean for double the amount of time he would watch the ocean . Looking at large or swift moving water bodies did give his soul some sort of caress he couldn’t identify.
He crushed the empty coffee mug and got onto his hover scooter . It was a pretty neat machine . The proton drive made a neat sound unlike the silent electron drive ones. He Vrooomed away into the night over icy roads without a worry because he was not in contact with the road. The road just being for directions and ensuring that his GPS calculated route wouldn’t interfere with people sleep peacefully in their homes. He wanted to buzz the sleeping people though, before reaching downtown capetown where people would be awake and leering away at the night.
He just wanted to have some good grub and look at some beautiful girls to fill the void in his heart. It was again the wake up thing . Once he was fully awake he didn’t realize why he needed anyone else in his life.
Afterall signing a marriage contract would mean he would always have someone tagging along with him.
He asked luko the bar tender about marriage . Luko said he disliked the idea of having noisy children. Genius liked the idea of having cute imaginative and original children who could be anyway quietened by putting plastic nipples in their mouth. In his stomach the red irish beer was mixing with the coffee and making some disturbing noises which he hoped luko wouldn’t hear over the din in the pub . Bar tenders however have very sensitive ears after years of picking up the correct order in the din. Luko suggested that he get a new pair of entrails which would be much more silent . Genius told him to mind his own business as his entrails and the feeling’s of internal conflict were entirely his. Luko shrugged his shoulders and went about his business of serving mind numbing concoctions to the galatic bevy. All the beauties of the galaxy seemed to have been attaracted like moths to cape town . It was something to do with perhaps being on the edge of something as big as Africa. Maybe that was good enough for some free kicks.
He couldn’t afford to run fould of luko though and started chit chatting about the beauties and their ergonomy and topological variation. It was fascinating why 70% men Booty hunters included like bronzed skin with blonde hair . Another 20% liked bronzed skin with black hair . The rest were miniscule and there was too much variations , in fact so many permutations and combinations that his mind couldn’t handle them . He looked admiringly at the bronzed beauty hoping that he would find a booty hunter trailing the pretty lass. The odds were low that the first one she found for the night would be one. This guy looked too effiminate to do anything brave. He hoped that this particular bronzed goddess didn’t have a disposition towards only feminine looking guys as he rather liked the idea of tagging this girl . This would be rather enjoyable . Getting any business done would be an added bonus. He had to keep alert that he didn’t let his fantasies drown him in such a manner that he wouldn’t use his logic to find out which of her companions could be a booty hunter . He had his own special methods to find out these nuances. He liked to think this was luck . He rather fancied himself as a luck fellow based on these flawed assumption of an otherwise logical mind.
I had a dream this morning. I met Krishna and became friendly with him. My reaction was not perplexing as Krishna resembled someone I new in my previous organization. What followed in the dream was a riot and deja vu~.
As it often happens in dreams , dreams follow reality but with a twist. In my dream, Intels office shifted from upstream to downstream of my current office and a bank appeared in place of a eating joint. The bank was ABN amro. Now no ABN amro bank exists anyplace near my workplace.
Krishna offered to take me to the bank as he had some work. Once I reached there I was wondering why I came there ? Krishna started talking to someone as if he was his own brother. After that Krishna totally neglected me. It was as if I was an inaudible ghost. I was talking but he was not listening.
After this while returning back , I tried to sit behind Krishna's lime coloured scooter. Soon, However my rear was in the air and the scooter 100 feet in front of me. Then I noticed that krishna had an earplug or some ipod headphone in his left ear. I thought that Krishna didnt leave me behind on purpose. Here I remembered when some years back In surathkal I had left behind a friend in mangalore. I had put on my helmet and didnt realize that he was not on my yamaha. I returned psyched out to hostel imagining that my friend had fallen on the road somewhere.
Coming back to todays dream , Krishna took a u-turn on his scooter came back to me, and again took a u-turn without letting me get on the scooter. There you go, reality and dream diverge .
Friday, March 24, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The U.N.'s Right to Development Declaration of 1986 states:
"The right to development is an inalienable human right by virtue of which every human person and all peoples are entitled to participate in, contribute to, and enjoy economic, social, cultural and political development, in which all human rights and fundamental freedoms can be fully realised."

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006

That is the view from my future home .. far away bangalore hills with NICE road cutting through it . Can Get to Electronics city in 15 minutes . M G Road 16 kms , Railway Station
17 kms http://www.vakilhousing.com/

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Jog falls in monsoon RoRo Rocket Raja and Rani ...on the way to Goa...Shimoga was lovely in the rains...nice to see kids going to school while we were on the way to goa..It warmed the cockles of my heart that kids were going to school even without shoes in the remote fringes of shimoga...Way to Go kids

Bangalore the global gateway...I went to places because after krec I joined the FORCES of bangalore...May the force be with you..I went to work with McAfee in dallas Tx ..and am back in bangalore ...more traffic but same beautiful weather...All around the year. May the FORCE be with you...yada yoda yada