Finally a dream comes to an end. Convocation ran like a well oiled machine and my face was puffed up with pride. There was a lingering sadness in the back of my mind about leaving my K'omrades. It is still ennui before work resumes. When the mind remains idle it makes fantastic conjectures and this is leaning more towards synthesis rather than analysis. I am training my mind to place things in the concrete and abstract quadrants too. Few of my thoughts while lazing on a houseboat in the backwaters
1. Pension schemes should be taken on the wifes name as women live longer. This eliminates the need to take life insurance. The caveat is that this does not cover children.
2. There needs to be incentives for cleanliness in public places. The backwaters are so neat inspite of so many visitors. Kozhikode was not so neat a few years back. It took a sustained grass roots campaign by the district administration to make Kozhikode one of the neatest places. Its important not to throw around plastic. It will be such a lame post if I buy an SUV :(!
3. A short article on Warren Buffet @ Dalal street was enlightening. I liked the part about not spending on brands but on buying what one wants ( shades of no logo) and doing what one really wants to do. Remember its only one life and time in finite. I like watching national geographic and discovery channel if I am not able to travel :).
Why doesnt Dalal street provide FCFF and FCFE? The beta shown in also not complete as without mention of the period, the beta is useless. Dalal street online
Dzzzzzz!! errr.. Dude.. u forgot to mention the non baryonic dark matter floating around between the fcfe and the fcblah that dalal street is discreetly trying not to talk abt....
psstt:: ..and tell me the truth.. u really r franz kafka rnt u?? if not, im quite sure he had more ppl understanding his writing.. :)) ..take care buddy..!! waitg for ur next one..
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